Brief History

The Nation of Islam has a history of newspaper publishing beginning in the 1930s with The Final Call to Islam, under the guidance of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. In the 1960s, the legendary Muhammad Speaks was a stalwart of Black journalism with a circulation of one million copies a week. Today the weekly print edition of The Final Call serves as the only nationally distributed Black-owned newspaper in America. Its print and online content serves a readership of diverse economic and educational backgrounds and includes circulation in North America, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe and literally around the globe. The Final Call began publishing a nascent UK/International print edition in January 2014.

The Final Call uses state-of-the-art production technology and its content offers readers in-depth original reporting and news analysis. No other newspaper in the country seeks to tackle important issues more aggressively than The Final Call.

The Final Call website,, was initially started as a promotional tool developed by Nation of Islam college students for the historic Million Man March in 1995. Receiving millions of visits since its inception, it has grown into the online companion to our print edition. The Final Call offers a digital subscription and social media presence right down to the modern time.

The mission of The Final Call is to warn, to serve as a watch- man on the wall calling out to a suffering and vulnerable people who are in danger. It is our duty to raise our people and op- pressed people from the grave of ignorance, self-hatred, mental death, spiritual death and economic anemia. It is also our job to deliver the good news that there is hope and a great future if we reject the evil of this world, grab hold of a vision of a new world rooted in freedom, justice and equality and act accordingly.


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It’s The Final Call

That trumpet represents the sound of the resurrecting Word of God by a voice that you cannot deny. Trumpets aren’t sweet. Trumpets are bold. Trumpets wake you up when you want to sleep.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

The FCN Distribution Wholesalers

The Final Call Newspaper (FCN) Wholesales for $1 per paper per issue. It retails as a donation of $2. Any Donation over $2 is absolutely welcomed. Wholesaler keeps 100% of all profits. All orders must be placed by Thursdays 10:00 AM MST. Delivery of The FCN will be between Thursday & Saturday the following week. 

What will be provided:

  • Each location will receive a newspaper stand with the Final Call Logo displayed.

  • 8 1/2 x 11 Marketing sign

  • Word of Mouth & Social Media promotions of location from Brother Hannibal LLC